Tobias Grützner

Dr. Tobias Grützner

Uni Münster - Mineralogy

Corrensstraße 24, Room 124
48149 Münster Phone: +49 251 83-36112



Experimental determination of stable siderophile element isotope fractionation between liquid metal and liquid silicate via high temperature centrifuge.

The abundances of highly siderophile elements (HSE - Pt, Pd, Rh, Os, Ir , Ru, Re and Au) and siderophile volatile elements (SVE – S, Se, Te) in Earth’s mantle are assumed to predominantly derive from late accretion of broadly chondritic material. Yet, the behavior of some elements leaves questions open about the late veneer and Earth’s core formation. The strong siderophile character of e.g. Pd or Ru but implies that any element remaining in the mantle after core formation should show strong mass-dependent isotope fractionation and a different isotope signature than chondrites. This will be tested experimentally in a 1 atm centrifuge at 2000 r/min and temperatures up to 1450°C. In case these elements largely derive from the late veneer, they should show no isotope fractionation attributable to core formation.



Grützner, T., Klemme, S., Rohrbach, A., Gervasoni, F., Berndt, J., 2018: The effect of fluorine on the stability of wadsleyite: Implications for the nature and depths of the transition zone in the Earth’s mantle. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, Vol. 482, pp. 236-244. 10.1016/j.epsl.2017.11.011


Grützner, T., Kohn, S. C., Bromiley, D. W., Rohrbach, A., Berndt, J., Klemme, S., 2017: The storage capacity of fluorine in olivine and pyroxene under Upper Mantle conditions. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, Vol. 208, pp. 160-170. 10.1002/2016JE005221

Grützner, T., Klemme, S., Rohrbach, A., Gervasoni, F., Berndt, J., 2017: The role of F-clinohumite in volatile recycling processes in subduction zones. Geology, Vol. 45, pp. 443-446. 10.1130/G38788.1