Coordination & Office

TRR 170 Coordination & Office Team

Dr. Iris Weber (0251-8339051)

Dr. Katharina Reitze             



The TRR 170 Coordination & Office (Z project) is the central administration of the TRR170.

Spokesperson Prof. Dr. Harry Hiesinger

Universität Münster, Institut für Planetologie, Wilhelm-Klemm Str. 10, D-48149 Münster

Phone +49 251/83-33406, e-mail:

Designated Spokesperson

Deputy Spokesperson Prof. Dr. Harry Becker 

Freie Universität Berlin, Institut für Geologische Wissenschaften, Malteserstraße 74-100, 12249 Berlin

Phone +49 30 838 70668, e-mail:

TRR 170 Coordination & Office supports projects by 

  • ensuring that projects are run in compliance with the TRR requirements.
  • providing guidance to budget expenses for project teams.
  • administering project budgets and any needed transfer of funds.
  • planning & scheduling resources for annual events or for a specific group of projects.

TRR 170 Coordination & Office coordinates the graduate programme (IRTG) by

  • supporting graduate students in their overall activities.
  • organizing  workshops to improve professional and soft skills.
  • organizing special gender equality workshops for female PhD students.
  • performing an annual review of IRTG students overall progress.