Profile image of Mathias Schannor

Dr. Mathias Schannor

FU Berlin - Geochemistry

Time Period: Jan–Feb 2022
Associated TRR 170 Project: B1
Host: Harry Becker (FUB)

Project Title: Origin of the depletion of volatile metals in lunar rocks

Research Interests

My research aims to use radiogenic and non-traditional stable isotopes to better understand the interplay between the Earth’s surface and deep interior and its evolution through geological time.

In particular I am interested in:

  • Formation and evolution of continental crust
  • Onset and evolution of plate tectonics
  • Earth’s volatile accretion history
  • Geochronology and metamorphic petrology of Precambrian terrains
  • Ore deposit formation processes

Current Grants

2022–2023: Humboldt Feodor-Lynen Return Fellowship “Stable thallium isotope constraints on Earth’s volatile accretion history” (Alexander von Humboldt Stiftung)