IRTG Graduate Program

The goal of the Integrated Research Training Group in planetary sciences is to provide support for and educate the next generation of planetary scientists from different disciplines. 


The Integrated Research Training Group in Planetary Sciences comprises the graduate program for doctoral (and M.Sc.) students within TRR 170. Besides the special expertise students will gain through their research projects, we plan to provide this diverse group of doctoral students and M.Sc. students with a broad education that will help them not only to become strong scientists and successfully complete their thesis work, but also to give them the tools they need to flourish in their careers. The courses that constitute the graduate program will be specifically chosen such that students gain expertise in three key educational areas; specialized knowledge and skills that relate to the student’s research area, general (topical) knowledge in planetary sciences, and transferrable skills that are needed for general career success. Courses will be offered at the two locations of TRR 170 as part of the normal semester curriculum, block courses, TRR 170 summer/winter schools, and through other institutional organizations that support graduate students. We expect that this planetary sciences graduate program, in connection with the scientific program of TRR 170, will equip students with the general and technical skills they need to thrive, while also increasing the visibility of Berlin and Münster as centres of planetary science education and research in Germany, thus helping us attract national and international talent.

Principal Investigator (Speaker)

Prof. Dr. Harald Hiesinger

Institut für Planetologie, WWU Münster, Wilhelm-Klemm-Straße 10, 48149 Münster

Tel.: +49 251 83-39057, e-mail:



Representative of Doctoral Students

Jonas Schneider

Institut für Planetologie, WWU Münster, Wilhelm-Klemm-Straße 10, 48149 Münster

Tel.: +49 251 83 39081, e-mail:


Julie Salme

Institute of Geological Sciences, Malteserstr. 74-100, 12249 Berlin

Tel.: +49 30 838 534 51 , e-mail: